Geoffroy de Lassus

Former international banker & writer


Ses dernières publications :

We know this famous sentence “Every man has two countries - his own and France”, and indeed France is a specific country and a specific culture. However, for foreign-ers working in France, French people, in their way of working, are surprising and not always easy to understand. In this article, the author explains the main roots of the...



L'Inde est incontestablement, avec son immense marché intérieur et sa dynamique économie, un pays qui attire. Quels sont les risques que l'on prend lorsqu'on investit en Inde et quelles sont les difficultés que rencontrent ceux qui font du business en Inde ? L'auteur, qui a travaillé trois années en Inde au sein d'une grande banque...



We know this famous sentence “Every man has two countries - his own and France”, and indeed France is a specific country and a specific culture. However, for foreign-ers working in France, French people, in their way of working, are surprising and not always easy to understand. In this article, the author explains the main roots of the...