We know this famous sentence “Every man has two countries – his own and France”, and indeed France is a specific country and a specific culture. However, for foreign-ers working in France, French people, in their way of working, are surprising and not always easy to understand. In this article, the author explains the main roots of the French mindset and the French behaviour.
What a fantastic country France is: country which made the Revolution, country of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, a country which guillotined his last king but is organized like a Republican monarchy, a centralized country, country of literature, country of the equality but elitist at the same time, country which like new technologies, country which has a superiority complex, country of fashion, gastronomy, arts, romance, country of cheese and wine… and so on. But what are the genuine roots of the French society, the French mind, and the French behaviour? I see five important roots which explain not all, but many things: Education, he top-down organisation model...
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