Liv Watson

Senior Digitization Advisor, Capitals Coalition, And Co-Lead of The DSB-LAB


Ses dernières publications :

New York City recently hosted Climate Week, an annual event designed to unite the world on climate mitigations and actions. One event, hosted by Climate Works Foundation, focused on Carbon Call whose aim is to “mobilize collective action, investment, and resources from scientific, corporate, philanthropic, and intergovernmental organizations...





Covid-19 has accelerated digital transformations by years, according to McKinsey. Sustainability is an area crying out for the benefits of digitization, and now rapidly whipping up winds of change towards companies. “La Bise” is gathering momentum as Europe takes a leadership role in establishing a framework for reporting on...



From a governance and compliance lens, finance professionals face many challenges both old and new. The key challenges lie in the pace of regulatory change, technology innovation and increasing media scrutiny. Compliance initiatives are typically reactive to regulatory requirements with little, if any, integration between functions or between...